6501 Park Commerce Boulevard

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Boca Raton 33487
Situated in a bustling neighborhood with access to various modes of transportation, this workspace offers a perfect blend of convenience and productivity. The location allows efficient access to all parts of the city, both by public and private transport. The business center is in a prime and convenient location with access to all the necessary transportation links such as bus, train services, and airplane services. The short distance from the airport makes it easier for clients to visit and the Palm Beach International Airport provides an easy way for the members to travel.
This center offers private offices and coworking spaces designed to optimize productivity. This is a wonderfully designed space and the interior provides a fresh and professional environment enhancing productivity for the members, businesses, and clients. Spacious meeting rooms are available, fully equipped, and filled with natural light and fresh air. This center also provides breakout lounges to relax after a hectic work schedule. This center offers essential business amenities such as high-speed internet, printing facilities, furnished workspace, and 24-hour access to boost productivity. Moreover, a fully equipped kitchen is also available where members can grab various beverages and snacks.

     transport links

  • UndergroundN/A
  • Train StationBoca Raton Tri-Rail
  • Road LinkN/A
  • AirportBoca Raton Airport
     Virtual Office
  • Price$89 pcm
  • Min Price$89 pcm
  • Min Term24 mnths
  • Max Term999 mnths

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