1750 Howe Avenue

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Sacramento 95825
Situated in a bustling neighborhood with access to various modes of transportation, this workspace offers a perfect blend of convenience and productivity. With an array of bus routes, metro stations, and trains, commuting to and from the location couldn't be easier. Moreover, international airports located just a few miles away provide easy accessibility for business trips. Equally conducive to leisure needs, the workspace is surrounded by amenities such as hotels, restaurants, parks, and bars, all within a short walking distance. As a result, team members have ample opportunities to balance work and leisure seamlessly.
The workspace offers a great and modern working office space with all the required instruments for seamless working, such as front desk reception, 24-hour access, fast internet access, an on-site management team, a fully air-conditioned workspace, and kitchen services available to all users. Equipped with the latest technical technology, state-of-the-art meeting and conferencing facilities, and excellent business services supported by a team of professionals. Elegant lighting, modern furniture, flooring, and services like free beverages and kitchen are in-house, so members can work to their fullest potential.

     transport links

  • UndergroundN/A
  • Train StationAllgier's Train Repairs & Sales
  • Road LinkN/A
  • AirportMcClellan Airfield
     Virtual Office
  • Price$69 pcm
  • Min Price$69 pcm
  • Min Term24 mnths
  • Max Term999 mnths

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